Cheapest Ways to Send Money Online

Send Money Online

Sending money online has become somewhat of a trend nowadays. The reason being, it is easy, which is something we all admire these days. 

Sending money is easier than ever, now we’ve got numerous apps to choose from, and money, on the other hand, moves instantly. 
I am not saying that making transactions online is the only way to go, cash and checks on the other hand, are more convenient is more convenient as we are accustomed to them. Online transaction has so many benefits, and to name a few; it’s safer, easier to manage, and last but certainly not the least, it is faster. 
Here in this article, i took the liberty of discussing some of the best ways to transfer money from uk bank account which don’t require any sorts of investment. 


It's free to send money with Venmo, and the app is designed to make it easy (and possibly even fun) to split expenses like meals, rent, and entertainment costs. Venmo will pull funds from your bank account or debit card for free, and you can also pay for free out of any balance stored at Venmo. There's a small charge if you fund payment with a Credit Card In addition to the payment feature, Venmo includes a social element.


When it comes down sending money in the easiest way possible, then SuperSonicz App is the way to go. This app is said to be the most intuitive online money transfer app available. The app is quite simple to use, as you’ll just have to register and add a recipient and that’s it, you are all set to go. 


PayPal is probably the most famous apps in this list. You must have used PayPal to make payments to online merchants, but with this app, you can send money to individuals as well. The app is absolutely free, but you’ll have to pay a fee if you send from a debit or credit card, and the recipient might pay a fee if the payment is of business purposes. 

Facebook Messenger

Yes! You read that right.
Apart from being just a messaging app, Facebook Messenger Payment is convenient and free to pay your friends. The only one thing that matters is that in order to pay or request money, you’ll have to be friends on Facebook. Payments can be made via your browser or the Messenger app itself. All you have to do is setup your payment account by adding debit card information, and that’s it. 

Google Pay

Google Pay is yet another free option which is available to us. This probably is the best way to go for carrying out personal payments. You’d be charge with nothing whenever a transaction has been made. 
Write a Check
Let’s go old school now!
You can always go for a check to carry out a payment. Not only it’s easy but we are accustomed to it. There is no need for you to entangle with a new online service. 

The Wrap Up

All the apps and ways mentioned above are trusted worldwide by billions, if not millions of people out there. The point is you can become a part of that group, all you have to do is, adopt one of those methods to send money to wallet to Senegal and all WAEMZ countries and live a life with no complications whatsoever. 
